Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hawaii with Jenette

Jen and I went to Hawaii in October with our moms, aunt, cousin and Gramma Mugga. We had a great time. Fun in the sun with the best cuzzo in the world! This is a pic of us at Senor Frogs. Believe it or not, Gramma picked the restaurant! She's a party animal!


Mama Mia! said...

Go Senor Froggs! I love your Grandma's face in this picture! Good to see you're still alive in Blogger world! James' birthday card killed me! So funny! It sounded like you! Love you!

Jay & Michelle said...'re back to the blog! I always love reading you blogs...I think it's cause I love you guys so much:)

Jay & Michelle said...

p.s. I meant I love reading your blogs:)

Eryn said...

Hey there Melody. Don't know if you remember me (Eryn Kesler). I met you once, at your wedding! But my hubby Matt and I were good buddies with your Matt in high school. Anyhow, I have a blog too! I googled you guys, hoping to track you down.

Don't know if you guys have heard this, but an old friend, Jason Gladden (one our your Matt and my Matt's small group leaders from back in High school) passed away this week. There is going to be a service on January 19th. I thought Matt would like to know. Hope you guys are good, and now that I know you have a blog, maybe we can keep in touch with you guys better. Email if you want more details about Jason.

Blessings to you both! Matt and Eryn Kesler