Friday, May 11, 2007

I am so lucky to be blessed with such an awesome cousin Jen...or Jen Venuti...or Jen Jen...or J-Fed...or JW or George. (Not sure where that last one came from.) Anyway, we had the chance to go to Hawaii together last year, October 2006. It was 8 full days of hanging out, laying in the sun and having fun together... mom, aunt and gramma were always within shouting distance...which made the trip that much better.
This post is really just to say how blessed I am to have a cousin who is such a wonderful friend. The best cuzzo in the world.


Cagle Clan said...

Oh my goodness! I just picked myself up off the're blogging again!!! :)
I just happened to click on your site..and there you are with a new background, new stories, and great pictures...I love it! It's so good to "hear" from you and catch up on your life.
Sounds like a wonderful one! :)
Oh and I love Jen any name...she is a true gem of a woman.
Love, Jess

Sabrina said...

I love her too! Just wanted all to know this! :)

auntieB said...

I love you BOTH...
Aunt Barbara, (mom)