Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Matt's HUGE fish

Many of you know and some of you don't that Matt caught a HUGE largemouth bass. This bass was only 7 ounces shy of our state record. It was 11 pounds 2 ounces. Matt has been getting accolades left and right from incredible bass fishermen and women. He was given a standing ovation at his Bass club meeting. Today at Auburn Sports Marine he was told that he is "considered a legend around these parts". I am so excited for him. Way to go babe!


Steve and Alie said...

WHOO HOO HOO! Go Matt! That fish was HUMOUNGOUS! Can't wait till you catch him next year and he is the official State Record! (Sweet, I'm related to a legend. Hahahaha...)

Amelia said...

Great Job Matt!! That is so exciting. I bet he is one hellova great tasting fish.

Sabrina said...

Wow...a legend!!! I do consider myself privaleged to know such a one! :)

But seriously, cool big fish!

Emma~Mae and Cameron said...

Matt is my mentor!!

Ben (MyRadDad) said...

Your bass is bigger then my kid.